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Prof. Dr. Dr. François-Xavier Amherdt
Chaire de théologie pastorale, pédagogie religieuse et homilétique Université de Fribourg, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Heidi Campbell
Texas A&M, United States
Prof. Dr. Roland Chia
Christian Doctrine, Trinity Theological College and Theological and Research Advisor, Ethos Institute for Public Christianity, Singapore
Dr. Nadia Delicata
Senior Lecturer, Department of Moral Theology, University of Malta & Episcopal Delegate for Evangelization of the Archdiocese of Malta, Malta
Ph.D. John Dyer
Media Arts and Worship, Dallas Theological Seminary, United States
Prof. Dr. René Erwich
Professor of Practical Theology Whitley College, A College of the University of Divinity, Australia
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gelfgren
Universität Umeå, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Mary E. Hess
Luther Seminary, Minnesota, United States
Prof. Dr. Pernilla Jonsson
Church of Sweden, Uppsala, Sweden
Dr. Jonas Kurlberg
Programme Manager of the MA in Digital Theology, Cranmer Hall, Durham University, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Dr. András Máté-Tóth
Universität Szeged, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Harald Malschitzky
Exekutivsekretär der Obra Gustavo Adolfo, Brazil
Michael Nachtrab
Pastor de la Iglesia Evangélica del Rio de la Plata, Argentina & Paraguay
Prof. Ian Nell
Stellenbosch University, Practical Theology and Missiology Department, South Africa
Dr. Kate Ott
Associate Professor of Christian Social Ethics, Drew University Theological School, New York City, United States
Prof. Dr. Hee-Kyu Heidi Park
Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, Christian Studies Department, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Dr. Peter Phillips
Director of Durham’s Centre for Digital Theology, United Kingdom
Dr. Theo Pleizier
Protestant Theological University, Groningen, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Johann Pock
Institut für Praktische Theologie, Universität Wien, Austria
Matthew Pulis
Researcher, Archdiocese of Malta, Malta
Prof. Dr. Henk de Roest
Practical Theology, Protestant Theological University, Groningen, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Martin Rothgangel
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät der Universität Wien Institut für Religionspädagogik, Austria
Prof. Dr. Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero
Assistant Professor of Worship and Liturgy, United Lutheran Seminary, Pennsylvania, United States
Prof. Kobus Schoeman
Practical and Missional Theology, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Ph.d. Christian Grund Sørensen
Kaj Munk Research Center, Aalborg University Denmark, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Erkki Sutinen
Professor of Computer Science, Universität Turku, Finland
Prof. Dr. Kati Tervo-Niemelä
Practical Theology, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Ph.D. Scott Thumma
Professor of Sociology of Religion, Director Hartford Seminary, Hartford Institute for Religion Research, United States